Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kayson 7 & 8 months

Wow...I totally skipped over 7 months. Does this make me the worst mom ever or do I get the best mom ever award...I obviously missed it by being way too busy with my growing, getting in to everything, amazing, fast learner, little boy....right? :)

Honestly, time is just going by way to fast. I cannot believe that it is already Christmas, and Kayson will be 8 months. I feel like I was just pregnant with him. You seriously do have to cherish EVERY moment, even the ones where all you want is a large glass of wine to help take the edge off.

I seriously love being a mom...being Kayson's mom. I honestly cannot imagine life without him. We have learned that it is much harder to go out to eat and that it really is best to plan stuff around Kayson's naps...but we wouldn't trade any of that for the world.

Accomplishments over the past 2 months:
-Kayson is getting his 3rd tooth, the top right one, and it looks like the top left could poke through at any moment.
-Kayson started to say "dada" and "mama" about a month ago..and just as quickly as he started, he stopped. :(
-He is walking along couches, and tables, and chairs...and even walls and doors! Still doesn't have the balance to walk without support yet though.
-He so far seems to really understand the word no. We've especially had to test this out with the Christmas tree and presents. He'll test us a few times, but eventually he gets it.
-He has tried to take off without being held or without any support a couple of times. I love that he has the "get up and go" attitude...but it is hard to see him fall sometimes.
-I'm realizing more and more that he is so like his mama! I've NEVER been one to want to play with the kids while the adults talk. I always wanted to be at the adult table too. Kayson really does prefer to just sit and watch with the adults and take it all in. He's quite the observer.
-He still loves playing peek-a-boo...this probably won't get old for awhile. But he's found a different way to play. Him and Steve will be sitting, Kayson on his lap. Steve has his hat on, and Kays will pull the hat (with Steve's head attached) down, and then bend down to peek at him and then just laugh and laugh and laugh. It is the best thing ever to watch.
-He loves watching the toilet flush. He is just fascinated by it!
-He's figured out how to open cupboards! Think it's time to get some safety locks! :)
-He will let you go forever walking him around the house. He loves it. I love watching his little feet figure out how to walk!
-When my parents still lived with us, my mom sang a little song to Kayson all the time..not sure if she made it up or not. It goes like this..."I love coffee, I love tea,...I love my Kayson and my Kayson loves me!" I still sing that to him now, and whenever I do his face just lights up, and he gets this deep giggle going.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

6 months!

Wow, I cannot believe that it has already been 6 months since my now 18 lb baby was born! He is such a joy to be around. I am so blessed to call him mine. He's such a little spunky little guy with the biggest personality. He really has such a soft tender heart. The little smile he gets when I call his name and smile at him...just thinking about it melts my heart! He is so precious. I know all babies are like this, but it is amazing to see him learn and process every day. Seriously, every day he is learning something new or mastering it. I love watching him grow, even though there are times when I just want to slow down time!

-Kayson is now a full-blown crawler. Surprisingly he doesn't get into least not yet. He loves just having the freedom to move!
-He has 2 teeth, his two bottom ones, and I am pretty sure he's getting a couple more.
-He is pro at pulling himself up on anything and everything.
-He can walk around his crib while standing up, but he hasn't quite figured out to walk around couches and tables yet...and mommy is ok with this for now. :)
-He has decided that he doesn't like to sit and relax while taking a bath anymore...he wants to stand and try to leap out of the tub!
-He loves to "walk" while we're holding his hands, and he's very good at it!
-He felt snow for the first time last week, and wasn't quite sure what to think. He grabbed a big handful and shoved it in his mouth...and then was a little surprised by how cold it was.
-The look Kayson gets when his daddy walks in the room is indescribable.
-He loves his baby food...but he wants everything we're having, and just doesn't understand why he can't have it yet.
-Now that he can pull himself up in his crib...nap times are a bit more difficult because all he wants to do is stand up!
-He loves playing peek-a-boo! He just laughs and laughs and laughs.
-He has officially found the little door stoppers behind the door and loves to play with it.
-When he's crawling or pulling himself up he makes these manly grunts. He feels so accomplished! It is adorable!
-When he's eating he says mmm yum!
-He said dada for the first time last week...daddy was in AZ and missed it, but he did it! Hasn't said it since. :(
-He says mama or mommy ALL the time while crying, but has yet to say it during his story time. ;)
-He can feed himself puffs!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kayson at 5 months

I cannot believe that my little boy is already 5 months old.

Doesn't it seem like the older we get, especially after having children, the faster time gets? It's very mixed emotions too; part of me loves watching Kayson grow up, watching him hitting all of these milestones, developing his own little personality, finding out some of the things he likes and dislikes (yes even at 5 months, is he his mom & dad's kid or what!), getting his first little 2 teeth...the list can go on. But there is also part of me that just wants to keep him tiny forever. I cannot believe how much he has changed and grown in the last 5 months. He used to fall asleep in my arms all the time, and now those are very far and in between. At his baby shower a dear friend gave us a book called "If I could keep you little..." and it is such a great reminder that we HAVE to let our little people experience life for themselves, we cannot keep them little forever. I have to read it to Kayson once a week just to remind myself that as much as I want to keep him little, I have to let him grow up and experience things. Speaking of...while I was writing this, he was sitting on his little play mat right in front of me, and pulled himself up to stand using the couch! He is getting to be such a big boy!

He has made so extremely happy. I never realized how much being a mother changed you! He is constantly teaching me about myself, and about life. I love my life being his mommy. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with that little boy!

Kayson at 5 months...

~Kayson loves to eat rice cereal and baby food! He gets it once in the morning, and once in the afternoon/evening. As soon as I put him in the high chair he starts crying/whining because he wants that food NOW! I seriously cannot shovel that food in fast enough! He can't get enough.
~He hates bananas....I mean hates them. He will gag himself to make himself throw up,but he loves peaches, pears, apples, carrots, and sweet potatoes so far. :)
~He can sit up all by himself for long periods of times now.
~He is super close to crawling, and has gone backwards a few times!
~He's really good at getting up on his hands and knees, and rocking back and forth but he hasn't quite figured out the hand coordination yet.
~As of today he can pull himself up from sitting to standing (he's done it 3 times since I started writing this...oh boy!)
~His first tooth started coming in last week, and a week later his 2nd tooth is super close to coming up.
~He got his first hair cut and did super good. He looks/acts like such a big boy now.
~Right before his first tooth started coming in, he had found his thumb. Poor kid has these giant hands him trying to coordinate the rest of his fingers while his thumb is in his mouth is a bit difficult.
~He loves to be outside and sit in the grass. If he's a bit fussy, I'll take him outside and it will calm him down immediately.
~He loves playing "airplane" and flying up in the air!
~He has just recently become fascinated with reading books. He is so squirmy that it has been super hard to keep him still enough to get through even one book, but he has finally decided that it's interesting enough. :)
~He is seriously such a spunky little boy full of such personality. I think I say it everytime, but there is NO DOUBT he is Steve & I's son. I see so much of myself and Steve in him, and even though that is kind of scary, it really is amazing!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kayson is already 4 months old!

Wow, 4 months has gone by so fast. It is unbelievable. It has been the best 4 months of my life, no doubt. My life and my heart are so full. People always say that when you have a baby, the love that you have for them is like nothing you've ever felt...and it is so true. Sometimes (ok...most every night) after giving Kayson his last bottle before bed and placing him in crib, I just stand and weep at how extremely blessed I am. I cannot believe that God chose me to be his mama. I love him more than words can say, and he has enriched my life more than anything ever has before. He is truly a delight to be around, and I am so honored to be his mom.

A few things about Kayson...not all new, but still wonderful nonetheless. :)
~He can easily roll from his back to his tummy, and his tummy to his back over and over. He loves being on his tummy, but often times gets super frustrated because he is trying so hard to crawl or move and he can't yet.
~ He has become extremely sociable with other people, and especially babies. It's been awesome to see how almost overnight he hardly had an interest in other kids, and now he can't get enough of them. He loves playing with his friend Carter. They will just lay and laugh and talk to each other all day.
~ He officially is a tummy sleeper. I know they say that you shouldn't ever let your babies sleep on their tummies but I am not going to go in and monitor it. I know some parents would get those little pillow things to block him from rolling over...but if he's comfortable on his tummy...and will sleep 11 hours...sorry I'll let him. His neck is strong enough to turn, and I do check on him. There are some things that are just out of our control...and have had lost a baby already to something that was completely out of my control...I'm not going to sweat the small stuff.
~He loves his bath time! He could seriously just sit and splash around in there forever.
~He has gotten to that age where he does not want to be left alone, or put down. We are working on this...but know/pray it's just a stage.
~He would be much happer laying down on a plain ole' blanket than an activity mat, or anything with toys. He loves those things most of the time, but he always loves to lay on a blanket and play with his toes!
~He has been trying to talk to us and tell us stories a lot lately. I cannot understand a word of it..but I know it's sure interesting.
~He has officially started eating rice cereal and seems to really like it. Sometimes a lot more than others.
~The smile he gets when his daddy walks in the room (I suppose he gets it for mommy too!) is the best thing you've ever seen.
~He loves to look at you when you're not looking and smile..and as soon as you look he'll look away (while keeping the huge grin on his face). I am pretty sure it's his way of playing peek-a-boo.
~He will be doing something over & over, but as soon as I get out the camera he will stop. I don't think he's camera shy...I just think he's a bit stubborn.
~He is fascinated with our dog, Hercules. However...Hercules isn't so fascinated with least that he wants to admit. I think that if given the choice Hercules would totally sleep in Kayson's room.
~He has decided that he is a big boy and wants to drink out of mommy's cup. He is actually very good at it too...and gets incredibly upset when the water is all gone.
~He has a killer pouty face. Gets me everytime.
~He would much rather be in a diaper than clothed...
~He can sit up all by himself. Not for very long...but I know that its only a matter of time until he's a pro.
~When he's laying down or in his carseat he tries super hard to pull himself up to sitting position. He's almost done it a couple times.
~He has the most kissable and pinchable cheeks. Everyone always apologizes for squeezing them..but the truth is, he loves it!
~He LOVES to suck/chew on his pointer finger...he just cannot get enough of it! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things I love about Kayson at 3 months

So, Kayson is now 3 1/2 months and he is growing up so fast. He is constantly learning new things and it is so fun to watch. It is so bittersweet because part of me cannot wait to see that first tooth come in, or have him eat rice cereal...but on the otherhand that means he's not the little newborn I brought home 3 1/2 months ago. He has doubled in size, and has quite the personality. He is so much like his mama it's not even funny. I love him with all of my heart. More than I ever thought possible.

Things that I love about my little guy:
~I love how he chews on his tounge.
~He has discovered how to make a clicking noise with his tounge. If any other person or child did that it would annoy me, but I can't get enough of it with Kayson (for now!)
~Sometimes when he is unsure of whether he wants to be happy or mad he'll give a happy coo/giggle mixed with a whine. It's so silly, but I just eat it up!
~I got this on video the other day and I'll post it because it so precious. We'll blow through our lips and make that bubble/gurgle sound (I have no idea how to describe it) and Kayson quickly learned how to mimic us. He just blows a bunch of spit bubbles through his lips, but it is so cute.
~He has been rolling over since he was 6 weeks from his tummy to his back, but has just recently started rolling over from his back to his belly and then back to his back again. His arm gets in the way a lot of the time, so almost looks like a contortionist trying so hard to get ALL the way over. I'll try to get a picture of it.
~He loves getting his diaper (especially poopy ones) changed. He stretches so big and just soaks it all up.
~He loves to fake cry...especially while looking in the mirror. This is SO his mama, even though I hate to admit it. I have done stuff like that my whole life. He'll watch himself fake crying in the mirror and just look at himself and stop, give a smile and/or giggle and then start again. He also fake cry's to me sometimes, and I'll just laugh and he'll start laughing.
~He is always so afraid that he's going to miss out on something (also SO like his mama!)
~He loves his sleep, and when he doesn't get enough he's not happy (and either is mom or dad!)
~He has been chewing on everything lately. He cannot seem to put enough in his mouth.
~I love when I'll be feeding him and just staring him thanking God for allowing me to be his mommy. Sometimes I really cannot believe it. But he'll get this HUGE smile on his face while he's feeding and forget what he's doing and then go crazy for the bottle again.
~ I love it when he smiles while he's sleeping.
~Lately he has been literally screaming with joy..he'll just give these little screeches over and over. I love it.
~I know it's not true, but Steve and I swear he always say's "hi." He'll coo and it sounds like "hi" all the time. We'll say hi and then he'll coo and I swear it sounds like hi. Love it!
~Whenever he spits up, he gets a huge smile on his face right after.
~ When he is sleeping he will make a "sucking" face/sound. What's funny is his daddy does the same thing in his sleep. :)
~He loves to pull the "fur" out of his stuffed animals. I worry for when Hercules (our dog) lets him get close enough to pull his hair out. Yikes.
~He loves playing peek-a-boo.
~He loves music. He "coos" along with us when we're singing to music. :)
~This little boy has a lot of hair...and HE LOVES to have it brushed. I sit him in front of the mirror in his bumbo and brush his hair and he just loves it. He loves looking at himself for one, but I do think that he loves getting pampered too!
~I love when I put him in his changing table (especially after just waking up from a nap) how he stretches and the cute little look on his face.
~When I kiss his cheek he opens his mouth really big, and when I kiss his lips he sticks his tongue out!! So funny!

I know there are many more things that I love about Kayson...because I rarely dislike anything. I feel so blessed to finally have him in my arms and I love being his mommy. He is such a happy little boy.