Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kayson 7 & 8 months

Wow...I totally skipped over 7 months. Does this make me the worst mom ever or do I get the best mom ever award...I obviously missed it by being way too busy with my growing, getting in to everything, amazing, fast learner, little boy....right? :)

Honestly, time is just going by way to fast. I cannot believe that it is already Christmas, and Kayson will be 8 months. I feel like I was just pregnant with him. You seriously do have to cherish EVERY moment, even the ones where all you want is a large glass of wine to help take the edge off.

I seriously love being a mom...being Kayson's mom. I honestly cannot imagine life without him. We have learned that it is much harder to go out to eat and that it really is best to plan stuff around Kayson's naps...but we wouldn't trade any of that for the world.

Accomplishments over the past 2 months:
-Kayson is getting his 3rd tooth, the top right one, and it looks like the top left could poke through at any moment.
-Kayson started to say "dada" and "mama" about a month ago..and just as quickly as he started, he stopped. :(
-He is walking along couches, and tables, and chairs...and even walls and doors! Still doesn't have the balance to walk without support yet though.
-He so far seems to really understand the word no. We've especially had to test this out with the Christmas tree and presents. He'll test us a few times, but eventually he gets it.
-He has tried to take off without being held or without any support a couple of times. I love that he has the "get up and go" attitude...but it is hard to see him fall sometimes.
-I'm realizing more and more that he is so like his mama! I've NEVER been one to want to play with the kids while the adults talk. I always wanted to be at the adult table too. Kayson really does prefer to just sit and watch with the adults and take it all in. He's quite the observer.
-He still loves playing peek-a-boo...this probably won't get old for awhile. But he's found a different way to play. Him and Steve will be sitting, Kayson on his lap. Steve has his hat on, and Kays will pull the hat (with Steve's head attached) down, and then bend down to peek at him and then just laugh and laugh and laugh. It is the best thing ever to watch.
-He loves watching the toilet flush. He is just fascinated by it!
-He's figured out how to open cupboards! Think it's time to get some safety locks! :)
-He will let you go forever walking him around the house. He loves it. I love watching his little feet figure out how to walk!
-When my parents still lived with us, my mom sang a little song to Kayson all the time..not sure if she made it up or not. It goes like this..."I love coffee, I love tea,...I love my Kayson and my Kayson loves me!" I still sing that to him now, and whenever I do his face just lights up, and he gets this deep giggle going.