Friday, January 27, 2012

Kayson at 9 months

Wow, time is flying by!!!! My little boy is already 9 months old...I'm having to really think about what I want to do for his 1st birthday party...already?!

I feel like this past month has been one full of learning and growing..and testing mom and dad. :) It's been a great one, but kind of difficult too. Kayson is getting to the point where he really loves to do his own thing, and gets into EVERYTHING. He's at that age though, where listening to me isn't really a big priority in his mind. I swear it seems like he has to be told 5-6 times and slapped on the wrist a couple times for him to finally get that maybe he should go do something else...and often times that doesn't even happen; we actually have to pick him up and put him somewhere else. I'm praying that this phase (hope thats what it is) is over quickly. Don't get me wrong, I know that kids don't always obey, but this is different.

Overall, this little boy fills my heart with so much joy. I don't take a moment foregranted! He is getting so big and learning so much so fast.

-Something big this month- Kayson started taking his first few steps! That's all it is, and it's still pretty wobbly and unstable.
-He is getting very good at standing on his own! It is getting longer and longer.
-He now has 7 almost 8 teeth! Crazy how in one month he can go from getting his 3rd to getting his 8th! He looks like such a big boy with his 2 front top and bottom teeth!
-Kayson has found the toilet paper in the bathroom...and loves to pull it and TP my bathroom!! Now we close the door to the bathroom. ;)
-Kayson and Hercules don't exactly get along all that great. At least on Hercules' end...Kayson thinks they are best friends! Hercules will run all over the house, from piece of furniture to furniture trying to get away from Kayson and Kayson thinks it's a game and will just chase him all day...laughing and laughing!
-Kayson loves to play with my glasses. We'll be snuggling, and all of the sudden he'll grab them off my face, look at me with this HUGE smile and then take off with them. He just big belly laughs when I chase him.
-Kayson will often do something he's not supposed to, and look at me to see if I'm going to do anything about it. Once I start inching towards him, he takes off...again LAUGHING...except he always stops and gives up long before I even touch him...just rolling on the floor laughing. I am pretty sure he does it on purpose just to get me to chase him.
-He has started eating pretty much all foods we eat..and man can he put down some food. We typically try to make sure he's sleeping when we eat otherwise he will eat everything on our plate!! He loves food!
-He can drink out of a sippy cup a pro. He looks like such a big boy doing it too.
-This little boy is a dancin' machine! When any music play...even me just saying dancin' dancin' dancin' makes him go nuts and he starts bouncin! It's adorable!
-The other day, Steve had been gone traveling for work...and Hercules started barking out the window. Kayson looks at me, then back at the window, and back at me and says.."dada?" OH my just melted my heart. Unfortunately it wasn't dada. :(

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