Wow, I cannot believe that it has already been 6 months since my now 18 lb baby was born! He is such a joy to be around. I am so blessed to call him mine. He's such a little spunky little guy with the biggest personality. He really has such a soft tender heart. The little smile he gets when I call his name and smile at him...just thinking about it melts my heart! He is so precious. I know all babies are like this, but it is amazing to see him learn and process every day. Seriously, every day he is learning something new or mastering it. I love watching him grow, even though there are times when I just want to slow down time!
-Kayson is now a full-blown crawler. Surprisingly he doesn't get into least not yet. He loves just having the freedom to move!
-He has 2 teeth, his two bottom ones, and I am pretty sure he's getting a couple more.
-He is pro at pulling himself up on anything and everything.
-He can walk around his crib while standing up, but he hasn't quite figured out to walk around couches and tables yet...and mommy is ok with this for now. :)
-He has decided that he doesn't like to sit and relax while taking a bath anymore...he wants to stand and try to leap out of the tub!
-He loves to "walk" while we're holding his hands, and he's very good at it!
-He felt snow for the first time last week, and wasn't quite sure what to think. He grabbed a big handful and shoved it in his mouth...and then was a little surprised by how cold it was.
-The look Kayson gets when his daddy walks in the room is indescribable.
-He loves his baby food...but he wants everything we're having, and just doesn't understand why he can't have it yet.
-Now that he can pull himself up in his crib...nap times are a bit more difficult because all he wants to do is stand up!
-He loves playing peek-a-boo! He just laughs and laughs and laughs.
-He has officially found the little door stoppers behind the door and loves to play with it.
-When he's crawling or pulling himself up he makes these manly grunts. He feels so accomplished! It is adorable!
-When he's eating he says mmm yum!
-He said dada for the first time last week...daddy was in AZ and missed it, but he did it! Hasn't said it since. :(
-He says mama or mommy ALL the time while crying, but has yet to say it during his story time. ;)
-He can feed himself puffs!